Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Remix/Proposal

For the revised remix I decided that I would go back to my changing the norm/false positive/negative and create a new comic based on that concept. In my comic the press release a new test that check for the zombie virus in people. It has a 80% accuracy. So after being correct 4 times and eliminating 4 zombie infected humans the 5th test returns a false negative thus allowing a zombie into the city. This has immense consequences when the whole population is turned into zombies due to the error of this test, a test that is 80% accurate that for which case sounds relatively decent but through the false positive/negative paradox can cause the destruction of mankind.

For my research project I want to focus on the various social media consequences. The question I believe the book ask is “In the world of social media and technology how much of our privacy is truly protected by the government”. The book goes about answering this question by showing that privacy is nothing in comparison to national security. I however, want to answer the question by exploring the concept of privacy in this new age of technology. How much of our personal life can we expect to be private when every person in the world publicly uploads and reports their daily happenings into a cloud/server that anyone with enough skill can gain access to. In a way I want to pose the question on how much privacy can we expect when we constantly post/blog/record stuff and upload it to the web which once it’s up can theoretically never be taken back. I hope to bring in real life examples of situations as well as parallel stuff about the book.

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