Wednesday, April 27, 2011

treatment first draft- fat man

Charles the the fat annoying tattle tail who is Marcus's arch enemy, is secretly a crime fighting vigilante. his main enemy is the of course the DHS because he knows they re actually secret terrorists and they are the ones that set off the bombs on the bridge. he has to keep his cover in school so he plays the kid no one likes when secretly he admire Marcus for everything he does and is himself an X netter. unfortunetly for charles he is quite out of shape making his heroics difficult for him and humorous for the rest of us. he is the epitome of the lovable loser, so basically any role that will farrel plays. in the end he over comes his dorky clumsiness and is actually responsible for taking out the DHS(not sure about this part yet either) but he lets Marcus take the glory. not exactly sure how yet, but he definitely gets a girl some time during this too.

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