Monday, April 18, 2011

1st Draft of New Topic for Hypertext Project

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Every single teacher to ever teach any class for any period of time has or had some kind of authority over his or her students. Most students accept this fact and agree to obey their teacher and fully cooperate with him or her, usually due to motivation to receive a good grade. However, there are students who understand that challenging authority is far more important than receiving a good grade in the long run. Students often receive punishment for questioning their teacher's methods of presenting information, grading, choosing material for students to learn, and anything else that a teacher is required to do. When, if ever, is is acceptable for a student to question a teacher's authority? What teachers tend to forget sometimes is that they are teachers strictly for a students benefit. As long as it is done in a reasonable and respectful manner, students should be free to call out their teacher on anything that they have a problem with.


Students benefit: Teachers

Motivation: What students will do to get an A

Teacher Authority: Is it legitimate?

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