Wednesday, April 27, 2011

treatment (first draft) Rebel turns nerdy

After Marcus was captured by the DHS, he was brainwashed so that he wouldn't remember anything that they did to him. The next morning he wakes up in his room and goes to school, just like any other school day. When he arrives at school, Darryl meets up with him in the locker hall. Eagerly, Darryl reminds Marcus about how excited he is to ditch class and play in the infamous Harajuku scavenger hunt. Marcus puzzledly looks at Darryl and asks him what that is. Darryl is very confused because just yesterday, Marcus was ranting about the scavenger hunt more than he was. They continue with the rest of the day, without ditching school. Marcus immediately goes home to start on his homework. Darryl is still confused about Marcus' strange behavior, so he meets up with Van and Julu to discuss why Marcus is acting so weird.

Through other sources, they realize that Marcus has been brainwashed by the DHS. They told Marcus that he had been brainwashed, but of course, he doesn't believe them. For the rest of the film, they try to remind Marcus of his passion for Xnet and computer technologies. Marcus has a extremely hard time trying to understand why all of his friends are acting "weird" and why they are pushing all this weird cyber hacking on him. In one of the attempts to get Marcus to remember his true passion, Darryl makes Marcus look inside of his computer and makes him rewrite the whole device so that it functions differently. Marcus doesn't understand why Darryl is making him do this, but he proceeds with the task anyways. After working on the computer for 9 hours, night has come and he has a revelation. In the midst of connecting two wires together, all sorts of images comes back to his mind about Xnet, his Harajuku adventures and hacking his schoolbook. He immediately calls Darryl and tells him that he does remember everything, including what the DHS did to him. The film ends when Marcus and all of his friends reuinte and they formulate a plan to get back at the DHS.

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