Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Attempting to create an A project I kept the Kesha song that I had and I added a comic to go with it. The comic is like the scene from the book with the concert in the park. However I switched in Kesha instead of the band from the book and she is singing my remix of her song Tik Tok. In my comic I try to bring up the questions I’m thinking of doing for my research project on. In class you said that a song alone is about a B so I think that adding the comic should boost me up into the A range.

I am proposing to do my research hypertext on how much information the government should be allowed to keep from the general public. Mostly I’m interested in things like how much information is kept from the public about terrorist threats and national security. Going along with that I’m also interested in conspiracy theories like those that go along with 911 and other like Area 51 and the Denver airport. Further I’m interested in seeing if there are any laws that have anything to do with this and if they are often followed or violated.

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