Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Estimating my citation abilities...

In high school, I think I tried to summarize, but instead, I fell in between patchwriting and paraphrasing (more on the paraphrasing side). Still, it often depended on how comfortable I was in terms of what I was writing about. I know I always made citations to the works I got information from, but it never fully felt like my own writing. Before, when reading someone's material, I would either skim it for familiar topics that I was writing about instead of really understanding the point they were trying to convey.

Now, I think I've written a lot more than even a year ago, and I feel my skills in creating original writing have enhanced. I would say now that I am solid on paraphrasing, and when I really understand, I am headed toward an original summary. I've realized that understanding the material takes more time than reading a work just once.

In the future, I see myself reaching the solid level of summary. I hope I can fully understand what I read, and learn how to not only summarize it, but figure out how it ties in with my writing when I use it. I hope to get better at reading material that is more complex while still understanding it because it's only going to get more challenging from here.

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