Monday, April 18, 2011

Can schools be the root of creativity? (first draft of hypertext)

SPLASH PAGE: Schools are a place where a student can furhter develop their creative skills. But what if the school is structured so that this opportunity to develop is taken away? In an ideal situation, a student's creativity should be nutured through their educational system. Schools that assert extreme authoritative control makes students want to rebel. It is a natural response for people to express their own, different opinions when the opposite standpoint is being encouraged. Marcus was set in an educational environment that asserted a lot of authoritative control and strict policies. This atmosphere could have been a possible root for his rebellious personality and ingenious creativity. LINKED WEBPAGE TOPICS: 1. authority -effects of too much authority? -what defines the right amount of authority? 2. conformity -how schools attempt to make students the same -results of this action? 3. security -what results from schools increasing security measures? -too much security=more rebellion amoung students

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