Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Skimmin' Da Surface

I was definitely a patchwriter and paraphraser in high school. I contributed some of my own ideas, but I never really felt like I reached the level of research paper writing that I probably should have. I didn't really try to, and now having to write these papers in college, I sort of wish I had. I never really exactly copied anything fortunately, but that was also because we turned in all our writing assignments on I probably wouldn't have exactly copied anything anyway because I have a conscience. My freshman year of high school, I think I summarized a lot, and slowly evolved into patchwriting and then paraphrasing. This may have been because I got lazier and lazier as I got further into high school about my work.
I would like to be back into summary mode. I'm honestly not quite sure how to go about doing that but I guess I'll just try. Maybe I can look up more aspects of summary mode and try and use it in my next paper! I should definitely try and steer clear of patchwriting anymore, although it will be very difficult. As for paraphrasing, I feel like that is still one step up from patchwriting, but I think I can try and minimalize that as well! It would definitely help me to be able to revert to summary when I am writing, because while I go through college, I need to be able to write a solid paper or citation.

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