Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Revised Song/ Proposal for hypertext

The DHS doesn’t believe me when I say I’m innocent
But all I’m trying to do is represent
The youth who believe that the government is repressing
Stealing our stuff and always suspecting
Thinking all we do is scheme and plot
When will the chaos ever stop?
People worry about what’s gonna happen
But they shouldn’t be trippin cause I’m gonna put a plan in action

The government’s thinking we’re a bunch of terrorists
But I’ve got a plan no one will be able to resist
They keep worrying we’re on the wrong team
But all we’re doing is blowing off some steam
We’re kids, we could never do any of this shit
Only caught in the wrong place at the wrong time
They think this disaster was an idea of mine
Pushin me around, yellin, putting me on the spot
Don’t worry about it, in the end I’ll be the one that’s back on top.

workin the Xnet, gonna teach the DHS a lesson,
Looks like we’ve got some spies in here, gotta use some discretion
Kids don’t know the meaning of serious,
Screwin around, not knowin what to do
If the police find out I’m gonna look like a fool.
Startin to feel like I’m in over my head,
Still getting no confirmation if Darryl isn’t dead
Gonna get my gang together, put an end to this shit,
People are losin it but there really isn’t a reason to trip.

As a revision to my longer fanfiction, I decided to add some more to my "song," if you will. I just added another paragraph or so to what I originally had as well as fumbled a little bit with the original. As I stated before, my creativity is close to none, so this was really a stretch for me. I tried to make the song as though it were from the perspective of Marcus, and as far as my abilities are concerned I think it's pretty good.

Proposition for hypertext:
My topic for the research hypertext is "Is it okay for youth to be able to rise up against authority?" Little Brother is basically all about Marcus trying to revolt against the DHS and somewhat succeeding, and I liked that it had all of those historical references to events like the Free Speech Movement and the Yippies. I think that it would be really interesting to write and look more deeply into this topic. It's moderately interesting for me because I've always wondered why younger adults don't take as much of a part in trying to change things that they are so unhappy with.

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