Wednesday, October 20, 2010

response to digital media articles

In Liu's article about changes in reading due to the advacement of the digital environment, I agree with the statement that "reading and literacy are being redefined by digital technology whether we like it or not." Sometimes I feel like we are getting way ahead of ourselves in the area of technology. Also, the younger generation tends to be the most successful at keeping updated with technology and how to use it. Another interesting point that Liu made was the the shift from print to computer isn't the end of literacy itself but the literacy of print. Electronic technology offers us a new type of book and new ways to write and read.
In Nielson's article, I found it interesting that readers will read only about 20% of the text on an average page. Also I learned that readers will view the page in a "F-shaped pattern" and that 67% of users don't read the introduction paragraph to the pages.
In Jerz's article, I learned about the "breadcrumb trail" and I would like to incorporate this type of navigation bar in my next hypertext. The breadcrumb trail allows the reader to follow the links that they have visited. I also learned that readers prefer to have navigation bars at the bottom or top of the page.

3 mortal sings that I committed:
1. visited links don't change color
2. navigation bar isn't at the top of the page
3. my homepage says "welcome to..."

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