Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sorry it was so late...Final Remix:

America (by Mike Silveira) - remix of Palmdale (by Afroman)

Just like thugs

we used to slay

British troupes erry’day

Guerillas killin' the Brits on each step,

sellin' freedom and liberty to boost our rep.

We took issue to how they controlled our lives,

So we fought that war, hoping freedom survives.

But when we won, we made some rules.

We had to separate ourselves from those fuckin’ fools.

Had to retool,

Threw up the Constitution as a result of our feat,

Never again would we be treated like meat.

But we still weren’t done, had work to do.

So we threw up some Amendments too.

Freedom of speech.

Right to bear arms.

Tryin’ so hard not to do no harm.

No more need to fear the man.

Just as long as we stuck to the plan.

(give it to me now.)

America, (Hell yeah.) come back to me.

I miss you and I loved you, baby.

America, come back to me.

(Check it out, check it out, check it out.)

No more oppression, no more Brits.

Damn I like how this slipper fits.

Our people finally get to decide what’s right.

Finally democracy begins to ignite.

I started reppin’ the blue along with the white and red.

“The Star Spangled Banner” always stuck in my head.

I have to admit, I was proud.

I could even practice my religion aloud.

I had no reason to doubt this success,

I thought it’d last forever, I must confess.

But every great thing must come to an end.

Land of the free. Home of the brave.

Might as well be written on America’s grave.

Because this ain’t what I signed up for.

This ain’t the America I loved no more.

(bring it back to me now.)

America, (Hell, yeah.) come back to me.

I miss you and I loved you, baby.

(check it out.)

Marcus was just a nerdy kid,

Abducted one day without knowing what he coulda did,

Explosions everywhere. Fear in his heart,

Intimidation in Severe Hair Cut Lady, and she looked the part.

Oh no!

Where’d Darryl go?

Swear he was just here a little while ago!

Unlocked his cell phone. Took long enough.

Obviously Marcus don’t like it rough.

But the damage was done.

No longer w1n5t0n. He was done with games and fun.

He and his homies created Xnet

Now m1k3y is the government’s newest threat.

The DHS finally deterred,

With the help of Miss Barbara Stratford.

Marcus stuck it to the man.

And, for that, I’m his biggest fan.

(“Hell ya!”)

America, (Hell, yeah) come back to me.

I miss you and I loved you, baby.

America, come back to me.

(check it out, check it out, check it out.)

Now he can blog.

Now he can hack.

Can’t get enough codes to crack.

Ange wants his “d”.

My boi’s finally livin’ well and free.

The DHS is finally off our case,

“Thank you Marcus” sincerely, The Human Race.

But it’s not just about this one case.

It’s about all the damage it seemed to erase.

People died to make this country free,

And our reality was one they refused to foresee.

So turn on the TV,

Egypt. Lybia, fightin’ for what could be.

Maybe we should join the fight

To get back our inalienable rights.



Wouldn’t stand for this.

It’s up to people like Marcus to lead us out of the abyss.

But Marcus ain’t real.

We can’t be afraid to show how we really feel.

The moral of the story is someone has to act.

This is unconstitutional. We have to react.

Let’s wipe our tears, face our fears, and hope change appears.


America, come back to me.

I miss you and I loved you, baby.

America,(America) come back to me.

Cause that's how my heartache began, heartache began.

America, come back to me.

I miss you and I loved you, baby.

America, come back to me.

Cause that's how my heartache began, how began.

This is a remix of Afroman's "Palmdale". I specifically chose this song because the original is about the life of Afroman, and it is similar to the history of our country. It started out hostile and tough. Then it reached it's peak. And then mistakes were made, which led to the fall. Also, I did not want to just regurgitate the story of Little Brother. My goal was to demonstrate the significance of the text, and how it applies to the real world. I did that by saying how and why our country was made, and how our government today is straying away from its original values. I then talk about how it thrived when it upheld these ideals. I then talk about Little Brother. And I end with what we should take from the book. The song goes to the beat of "Palmdale" but almost every line is completely changed.

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