The problem of global warming is most certainly one that is complicated and most everyone has different opinion of. Personally I believe that global warming does exist, I feel this way because to me the science makes sense. Also I feel like it's always better to be safe rather than sorry. There are few downsides to going green. Green technologies could be saving our planet, they create jobs and support innovation. Of course there are many other opinions that differ from mine. There are a mixture of opinions amongst scientists and researchers around the world. There are some that say it doesn't exist at all. Others say that the Earth is warming but it's because of natural causes not because of anthropogenic ones. Of course there are those that say the scientific evidence is overwhelming and that global warming is definitely occurring and that it is caused by human activities. This mixture of opinions is the pretty common in the science world and in many other subjects. It is this way because that is the way research works if it didn't work that way we would still think that the Earth was flat. Unfortunately this way of research works for and against topics all the time. By this I mean that with everyone trying to disprove everyone it often saves huge mistakes, but it also can slow down the process of getting the correct answer out. With this website I hope to make a accurate demonstrations of many of the different opinion circling global warming. I will try to do this in the most un biased way possible and try to give credit to those who did the research. Each one of these opinions will have their own page in which I will explain their opinion and their research backing their opinion.
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