In the process of writing hypertext the overall mind set is that many people will be examining your website. Many people will merely skim while other will read through it slowly and thoroughly. The overall goal or thinking during making a hyperlink versus linear essay is the difference in style. One incorporates very logical straight forward thinking that brings a lot of details on why/what is important. In a hypertext however, one needs to make a detailed yet scares essay possible.
The way in which to do this is to highlight key points. “Critical thinking is careful and deliberate determination of whether to accept, reject, or suspend judgment. “
Moore and Parker, 1994. Make sure that someone who skims the hyperlink can pull out main ideas that are sufficient enough to qualify your argument.
There also exist a few people who will be vastly interested in this topic. Allow for a lot of detail and external links which will help someone gain more knowledge about the topic. "The purpose of critical thinking is, therefore, to achieve understanding, evaluate view points, and solve problems. Since all three areas involve the asking of questions, we can say that critical thinking is the questioning or inquiry we engage in when we seek to understand, evaluate, or resolve." Maiorana, Victor P. Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum: Building the Analytical Classroom. 1992. These are the people who will use your website as a gate to further thinking/information. This is when details will be beneficial to the overall hypertext.
"Critical thinking includes the ability to respond to material by distinguishing between facts and opinions.” MCC General Education Initiatives. Hyper text is unique in the fact that it allows more people to talk with their own personal feelings. Where as formal papers have more of a formal tone. Hyperlinks must be able to clearly distinct between facts and the writer’s opinion. If not this would be a conflict of interest which could have devastating effects on the person who is reading as well as the writer.
The thinking going into a hyperlink vs. a traditional paper is the audience. Hyperlinks must cater to many different types of people while general traditional papers are to educated professors. This means the thinking going into both has many give and take aspects to them during the critical reading aspects. My thinking in creating is a hyperlink is based off of getting the idea across with enough information while not overloading the average individual.
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